I wanted to take some time to share some incredible ministries that have helped me in my growth as a believer, and to give everyone a chance to check them out.  If you want to learn how to get involved with them in a deeper way, don't hesitate to reach out and use my name.  They are great organizations that truly serve the Kingdom of God and His purpose in our lives!  Enjoy:)


Emmanne Ministries  


One of the most important principles that we learn from Jesus is our need to love others and bring blessings to their lives.  So often we sit in our comfortable life and have no true idea of the struggles that others are experiencing..  Through an incredible friend and mentor in my life, Matthew Bachali, I was introduced to the tiny village of Theri, in Kenya, Africa.  

A friend and co worker at Cadence Ministries Mwangi Ndegwa joined us for lunch and shared his life story, and introduced me to his village and country.  I was so amazed at his journey...he got his first pair of shoes at 17...graduated high school and made his way to a University education, and then moved to America...and earned his degree in accounting.  He is a man of God, and his love for his family and neighbors drew him back to Theri to overcome the poverty that is so prevalent there, and to bring hope for a new day!

What did that hope look like?  It was starting a small home for a group of 11 boys and girls that were living in the streets.  Giving them a place to live, and eat, and be SAFE.  A chance to go to school, and hear about a God who loves them.  To learn about His son, Jesus, and how much He loves them as well.  The story just continues to grow along with the hope and blessings that only God can bring!

I love these kids, and the whole Emmanne team that loves them unconditionally!  Please check out this awesome ministry, and if God stirs your heart, JUMP IN WITH ALL YOU HAVE :)  Generosity from your own heart is truly a gift from God.

Emmanne Ministries can be found at:   Emmanne.Org        6834 S. University Blvd. Suite 158   Centennial, CO



I am super excited to introduce a Prayer and Praise App that my wife “Julie” created. The App was created to show how God works through your daily prayer and praises. The App is Free to iPhone and Android users. There is a focus on Scripture to encourage and motivate believers to share their prayer life with others in their community. Fellowshipping together in Prayer allows us to share our struggles, our needs, our hopes, and our blessings with each other as we seek God’s Grace and Love. Im very blessed to share my life with such an amazing woman. Her love for life, other people, and Jesus make her one amazing wife and love of my life. Check out her App and start a whole new journey in Praising all God is doing in your life !

Prayer and Praise: @PrayerAndPraiseApp . App Page



I have been blessed to become great friends with an amazing brother named Michael Johnston, who is truly a man who seeks God, and seeks His word.  A lot of Christians put a true focus on the New Testament, which is an amazing story of our Savior and His teaching and grace, but the true richness that comes from the Old Testament is where my understanding and growth have been launched.  The history of man, from generation to generation, and the relationships shared with our Creator can't be emphasized enough.  The amazing journey of man, from Adam to Abraham, to Jacob, and David is simply an incredible way to understand the mind and heart of the Father. The order and function of our lives is completely laid out in the first 5 books of the Old Testament, and all civilized societies rely on them for structure in all facets of our lives.  When one truly studies the clear picture of the Messiah presented in the Prophets of the Old Testament, it truly makes me humbled and so thankful to know Jesus in an intimate way.  Understanding the basis of our Hebraic roots and the importance of the commandments of God as the basis of our character and actions has been another key stepping stone for knowing the heart of the Father, and the blessings of the Son and Holy Spirit.

Check this incredible ministry out, and be prepared to learn and grow in a lot of areas that the church honestly rarely addresses!  Come and meet Yeshua, the Hebraic name for Jesus:)



I am so thankful to call Brave Church in Denver my home. Brave is a church that truly teaches and shares the word of God, and believes that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. The principals of Brave Church are grounded in the Belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born among us, and died on the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead and sits at the right hand of God the Father. We find our salvation in proclaiming Him as our savior and seeking His salvation with the blood He shed for us. Jesus needs to be our Lord, We abide in Him, and He in us !

John 14:6 Jesus told him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Come meet Pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub, and learn about abiding and thriving in Christ, while multiplying and discipling all in God’s Kingdom. Brave Church gives more, and asks for more in your spiritual life. The message is real, and truly lets you feel the Love God Has For You. Check it out and Be Blessed!

Brave Church 3651 S. Colorado Blvd. Englewood, Colorado 80113


Dr. Michael Lake is an amazing pastor and teacher of the word of God. Dr. Lake is my go to person for a true understanding of all of God’s word, from Genesis through Revelation. i can’t even begin to describe the blessings i have received from his teaching, but it has moved me closer to God, and I have a clear understanding of the Kingdom of God, and what it means to serve Him and be a citizen of His Kingdom. Dr. Lake is an accomplished author of several books and has a series of Kingdom Intelligence podcasts weekly that will encourage you and bless you as well. Genuine, humble, bold, and abiding in Christ make this brother a true guide to the Remnant who seek to be closer to and more like Jesus every day. Please check out his awesome teachings and support him and his wife Mary as they serve the Lord !

Biblical Life P.O. Box 160 Seymour, MO 65746 and



We are blessed to spend a part of our year in Scottsdale, Arizona and have finally found a Church Home and Community that is truly a Church where Jesus is Honored, Worshipped, and Praised. It is a Community where the Body of Christ come together to encourage and love each other, while learning solid Biblical Truths and Teaching. Pastor Jason brings the Word Of God to the people in a way that focuses on individual discernment, responsibility, and application ! Please check out this wonderful Church Ministry and feel the Power and Authority of The Holy Spirit as Your Life Is Filled With Christ and all He Gives Us:)

17800 N Perimeter Drive. Scottsdale, Arizona 85255